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Yolani Steenekamp

Big3 turns 5!

This month, we are celebrating Big3 Evolution's 5th birthday! Five years of operation. Five years of hard work, late nights and long conversations. Five years of trials and tribulations. But also, 5 years of smiles and having fun, laughter and taking time to regroup and re-energize.

"Coming together is the beginning. Keeping together is the progress. Working together is the success."

While we have outgrown our toddler shoes, we saw it fitting to look back at how far we have come in the last five years. Take a few minutes and walk through our evolution with us.

The first photoshoot for Big3, while they were still only 2.

"Make the circle bigger - 2021"

The team grew quite a bit from where it started out only with the founding members. "Women working together usually spells disaster", but Big3 have proven over and over again that by playing on the same team, working towards the same goals, mutual trust and regular communication are the key ingredients to a successful team.

On Women's Day in 2021, we celebrated the women in our team in true "high tea" style. Taking some time to catch-up and re-connect.

We underwent a change in the look and feel of the brand, in terms of website, colour scheme and look and feel of the Big3 brand. The logo was updated and the colour green was added.

Big3 did a professional photoshoot to include the new members, and add some corporate photos to the mix, while refreshing the look and feel of the brand.

2022 - A year of breaking new ground

In 2022 Big3 Evolution hosted the first-ever SYSPRO Partner Conference at the SYSPRO Offices in Johannesburg. What's Next was the theme of the conference, attended by current and potential clients (converting to clients post conference).

The opening of the conference centered around where Big3 is going, what's next in the SYSPRO line up, and the keynote speaker tying into this theme, with What's next for employee engagement and productivity in a post COVID environment. This conference set the bar on which other SYSPRO partners had to build for their own conferences.

Winding down the year 2022 with a fun session to get the creativity flowing, taking place in a very feminine setting.

We work hard, but we can also "play" hard at Big3 Evolution.

2023 - The year that changed it all.

We are still Big3, but we have joined the ABS group, giving us more resources and a pool of expertise to draw from when we need it. As part of the ABS group, we co-hosted the second Client Conference. Clients from ABS, Big3, SDS Technical Service and BluePro were in attendance on the day. The lovely auditorium and venue space at SYSPRO were the natural choice for this annual conference.

The Go Live for Angelo Kater took place in August, while the Springbok fever was nearing fever pitch during the Rugby World Cup Championship!

Big3 had a very busy 2023 and the team worked hard and were very dedicated to ensure the satisfaction of our client's needs. It was decided to end off the work-year with another fun activity to let off some steam. Sticking to our craft-y side, we decided it was time to create some string art. The weather was perfect, albeit a bit hot. Overall, it was a lovely, sunny Friday afternoon spent outdoors with the team.

Thank you for reading our story, a short snapshot of the 5 years that Big3 have been in operation.

"We are proud of how far we have come in the last 5 years. We are looking toward the future with optimism, enthusiasm, and courage because we know what this team is capable of achieving when we work together."

Kotie Nigrini Yvette Cronje Annancia Steenkamp Priya Pillay

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